18. maggio 2018
Death in a Holy Month Mother asked me to pray in the holy month, Pray for my sins and the sins ever after, I turn to Thomas's Conversation Of Prayer: "The sound about to be said in the two prayers.. For the sleep in a safe land and the love who dies..." that leaves, the invasive crow of the dawn cawing away and my consciousness rattling in the storm again. I am disturbed to think of death, to come once and leave the dead hanging in a 'Heaven' and a 'Hell', The lingering taste of life then...
Poetry · 18. maggio 2018
CONSTANCE DES OISEAUX Saisons des dormances Et nous passons Dans le silence ascendant des arbres Ombres sans ombre au soleil frugal En cette veille Même si tu doutes de la lumière Les oiseaux dépêchent l’aube freinée d’hiver Ecoute-les Etourneaux pinsons mésanges Chantent l’étoile tardive et le retour des couleurs Et demain comme en cette veille Leurs cœurs rapides éloigneront l’obscurité Ghyslaine Leloup https://www.babelio.com/auteur/Ghyslaine-Leloup/333282
Poetry · 11. aprile 2018
Taro Aizu (Japan) Taro Aizu (Japan) has been writing haiku for 20 years and gogyoshi (five-line poetry) for 12 years featuring common scenes from the four respective seasons in Fukushima. He focuses on the rural landscape and people’s feelings for the land they inherited from their ancestors. His works are translated into different languages. https://gogyoshiartproject.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/what-is-a-gogyoshi/
Poetry · 24. febbraio 2018
In occasione della Festa della Donna a Torino si celebra la Poesia al femminile con la presentazione delle sillogi poetiche di Marina Rota e di Lidia Chiarelli. Se da un lato Marina Rota ridà voce ad Amalia Guglielminetti nel suo intenso e tormentato epistolario con Guido Gozzano, dall’altro Lidia Chiarelli si misura con le parole di scrittrici inglesi e americane incontrate nel suo percorso di studi: scrittura tutta al femminile, dunque, dall’Italia agli Stati Uniti e alla Nuova Zelanda...
Art · 05. febbraio 2018
Pittura e letteratura si incontrano Nel segno e nella parola Arte Città Amica, Torino - febbraio 2018
Poetry · 23. gennaio 2018
BLUE BIRDS AREN’T BLUE She waltzed into the room adrift and confused by the sudden source of her misery. Her hair dangled in front of her eyes hiding her now faded emerald-gray gloom. She was a he and he was a she. Her hair was knitted together by knots creating a nest and the possibility of a blue bird living in her hair; with the scraps of fabrics she used to sew. She walks into her room sits in front of her mirror and she wonders if she could comb through the mess. But that was months ago...
Poetry · 04. gennaio 2018
Lidia Chiarelli's Art on Shabdaguchha, December 2017 Editor: Hassanal Abdullah
Poetry · 20. dicembre 2017
E BOOK available on https://www.amazon.com/Tramonto-una-tazza-Sunset-Italian-ebook/dp/B072BLJNPP/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1513752417&sr=8-2&keywords=lidia+chiarelli
Art · 05. dicembre 2017
Poetry · 16. ottobre 2017
With the magic of Giusepe Verdi, the Whitmans are transported to 19th century Paris at a performance of San Francisco Opera: photograph by Elaine and tanka poem by Neal. Violette in her opera box perfumed bouquet of camellias l’impulso dell’amore

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